Connecting International Students to Community in Boone, NC

About AIM

Our mission at AIM is to guide international students to God through His creation, through relationships with His people (the Church), and through the teaching of His Word (Matthew 28:19). As God reveals Himself to us in these ways, our aim is to point Him out as we adventure together, for His glory.

The Approach

AIM uses the Boone Bucket List as a tool for building friendships with students while offering opportunities for them to experience the best of the High Country. A strong emphasis of the Bucket List is hiking, where life-long memories are made, walls come down, & God’s glory is seen in His creation. Deeper spiritual conversations & teaching take place in weekly Bible studies, one-on-one meetings, cups of coffee, shared meals, & long car rides.

The Location

Located in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Boone, NC, we are a ministry that engages with international students of varying faiths at Appalachian State University. Our location draws students from all around the world to study at ASU – in part because of access to the fresh air, star-filled skies, & long range mountain views. There are so many possibilities for outdoor adventures!

Upcoming Events

Stay informed about what AIM is doing in Boone, NC:

AIM Dinners

Dates TBD

How to Partner with AIM

Financial Supporter

Become a one-time or long-term financial supporter of AIM. You will receive regular updates about Jessica Lup and ways the ministry is impacting international students.

Prayer Partner

Become a faithful prayer partner in Jess’ calling to ministry to international students. Receive regular updates about what is happening in the ministry.

Get Involved

Becoming an event coordinator or host for the purpose of meeting new international students. Make them feel at home through gospel-centered hospitality and help lead events.

Make a difference in the life of an international student.

Partner with Appalachian International Ministry and bring the gospel to the nations, here in Boone. NC.